of crabs and Absurd Self-Obliteration
Multimedia site-specific installation
Dimensions variable
absurd reverberations modularly documents Siew’s journey in exploring methods of breaking out of hetero-capitalist structures. He makes sporadic connections across species and narratives - the molecular and molar, as well as the interior and exterior - so as to queer teleological epistemologies that persist today.
Through the absurd reverberations and oscillations present in his work, he exhibits inherent contradictions that exist within posthumanism, positing that the struggle between liberty and normative subjugation is an intrinsically human condition.
Exhibited for THERE – – HERE (2023) over at Alliance Française de Singapour; and Walk Walk Don't Run 2023: corporeal inten/se/ts (2023) over at starch.
Artwork consists of a series of video essays. Video previews available upon request.